Tuesday 2/21/23 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Western BBQ Burger
- Seniors-please check the local scholarship page for LIVE scholarship!!!!!! The presentation is located on the MCHS Blog. Please see Mrs. Harbourn with questions!!!
- There will be baseball open gym tonight at 3:15 on the practice field.
- Attention All Science Club members!!! There will be a Science club meeting during the last 15 minutes of 5B on Wednesday February 22.
- Attention Seniors- the following scholarships have upcoming due dates:
ICC Scholarships | March 1st | |
Menard Electric | March 1st | |
Township Official | March 1st | |
Ladies Auxiliary Memorial | March 1st | |
Ladies Auxiliary Worchid | March 1st | |
CBAI Community Bank | March 3rd |
- National Honor Society is hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, March 2, at MCHS! Students ages 16 years and older can donate. Parental consent is required if you are under 18. The sign-up sheet and parental consent form are on the office ledge. Help save lives and donate blood! We know you’ve got it in you! See Mrs. Kerley if you have any questions.