Tuesday 8/29/23 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- August 30th there will be a Farm Progress Show. This event is held during school so if you're interested get a pre-approved absence form for Mrs. Clark and turned into her by August 29th.
- Lady Raiders had a sweep at home last night against BPC. The JV team won in 2 sets with scores of 25-10 and 25-11. The Varsity battled and came up with close wins of 25-22 and 25-20. The Lady Raiders take the court again on Thursday night at home against Brimfield. Great job Lady Raiders! Keep up the hard work.
- Thank you to everyone who came to audition for the fall musical “The Addams Family”. This is a funny modern musical for everyone! Auditions continue tonight at 3:00 in the music room. Who should come? Anyone we haven’t seen yet but who would like to be in the show (if you couldn’t attend last night or are newly recruited). All boys! Any girls interested in a speaking part. We will be auditioning with specific character lines and songs. There are NO cuts, everyone who auditions will be in the show. Please consider auditioning! Schedules and cast list should be available late Friday afternoon.
- There will be a Spanish Club meeting 5B this Friday for any students who may be interested. If that is your lunch hour, you can bring your lunch with you. We'll be discussing plans and our first field trip which will be in just a couple of weeks!
- Interact Club students or students needing community service points or Seniors that would like to try for the $500 Rotary Scholarship, please sign up to help with the Dime Toss Friday, Saturday or Sunday. The sign-up sheet is on the Interact Bulletin Board outside the science rooms.
- August 30th is Plot Night. It will be held from 5:30 - 7:30 in the pool park pavilion. Everyone in FFA is invited, there will be brats and hot dogs provided as well as sides and drinks.
- September 2nd is the Popcorn Festival Parade and Labor Auction. If you participate in the Labor auction you have a chance to win a free trip to National Convention! Mrs. Clark will be providing extra credit to anyone who attends these events. If interested, please talk to Mrs. Clark.
- September 3rd is our Kiddie Tractor Pulls. If you are interested in helping please talk to Mrs. Clark.
- Sports pictures are this Wednesday. Order forms will be on the front ledge by the office. You may also order online at hrimaging.com
- Student and Staff school pictures are this Friday! Order forms are on the ledge. You may also order online at hrimaging.com
- The Popcorn Festival is still accepting entries for the Lip Sync and Talent Show Competition. This year it will be held on Friday night (September 1st) at 7 p.m. Get together with your friends to come up with a creative lip sync OR showcase your talent for the community! Copies of entry forms are available on the office ledge. If you have any questions, please talk to Mrs. Picken or Mrs. Kerley.
- Attention Juniors! The PSAT/NMSQT will be offered October 18th. The test is digital and will last approximately 2 ½ hours. The cost is $12 to test, and there are only 25 spots available. This test will help prepare you for the SAT in the spring and enter you into a pool of National Merit Scholarships. Please see Mrs. Harbourn to sign up or if you have questions.
- Any Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior interested in being on Student Council may apply for the Student At – Large position. Applications are on the bulletin board in the horseshoe hallway, or on the door of Room 10. All applications are due back to Miss Sauder (Room 10) by Thursday August 31.
- Any Sophomore, Junior or Senior interested in being the 1st Vice President of Community Service can pick up an application from Miss Sauder in Room 10. All applications are due back to Miss Sauder (Room 10) by Thursday August 31.