Friday 9/15/23 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Sloppy Joe Sandwich
- Spanish Club members attending the field trip today: Please meet in Ms. Brodbeck's room (room 13) by 3:15 today
- This is another reminder that bus students are not allowed to walk to the primary school to board their bus. You must board a bus at the HS.
- Sophomores – Josten’s will be back to take your class ring and letter jacket orders on Tuesday, September 19th during Study Hall and lunch. All rings ordered during class ring week receive $40 off! Extra packets are in the office.
- Wrestling open gym will be this Saturday at the primary school from 9-10am
- All history league members (and those who signed up at the club fair) should check their email for the link to the google classroom, an update on tasks to join, and the next meeting!
- The back-to-school bash has been rescheduled for tonight at 7:30 and has been turned into a movie night. All high school students are welcome to bring a lawn chair and watch live action Scooby Doo on the baseball shed. Snacks will be provided and there will be no admission fee.
- If you are interested in lifting before or after school, come see Mr. Robison in room 14 to sign-up and get more information. We will begin lifting on Tuesday September 19th.
- We will be having a Flu Vaccine clinic October 5th. Please take a packet home to have your parent fill out. They are located on the office ledge. Please return completed forms by September 28th to the Main Office if you wish to participate.
- Attention Juniors! The PSAT/NMSQT will be offered October 18th. The test is digital and will last approximately 2 ½ hours. The cost is $12 to test, and there are only 25 spots available. This test will help prepare you for the SAT in the spring and enter you into a pool of National Merit Scholarships. Please see Mrs. Harbourn to sign up or if you have questions.
- (Only announce Tuesdays & Fridays) State of Illinois law mandates every Freshman and new student must have a current health physical by October 15; all Senior students are required to have a meningitis vaccine, by October 15th. Please turn these papers into the Main office, or to Nurse Denise.