Tuesday 10/3/23 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Fries
- Any student who would like to have a Veteran family member invited to the Veterans Day Breakfast, please fill out the Google Form in your Class's Google Classroom ASAP or get a name and address to Ms. Rousseau. It will be held on Friday, November 10th.
- FCCLA will have a meeting during 5B in the library. We will turn in Fundraising packets, discuss Pumpkin Patch for those attending and the Fall Leadership Conference. If you can’t make it please turn in your fundraising packet to Mrs. Palmer by the end of the day today, or if you need additional time make arrangements.
- There will be a History League meeting in Ms. Rousseau's room during 5A on Friday. We will finish collecting dues, assign speeches and set-up roles for the Veteran's Day breakfast, and choose our student leaders!
- Musical dinner theater tickets go on sale Wednesday, at 7 a.m. in the high school lobby. Tickets are $30 each and include dinner and the show. Checks may be made payable to Midwest Central High School.
- Spanish Club members: We'll be having a meeting on Tuesday, October 10th during both 5A and 5B. Come when you normally have study hall. If you haven't paid your $2 dues already, bring them to the meeting.
- There is a Student Council meeting in Room 10 during 5A/5B on Thursday this week.
- Want to take a trip to the tropical country of Belize? Ms. Brodbeck will be hosting an informational meeting on Tuesday, October 3rd, at 6:15pm at the high school. Parents and guardians welcome! If you can't make it in person, it will also be held as a Zoom meeting. Zoom link details will be made available on that Tuesday.
- Picture retakes will be October 12th. You can pick up an order form in the office or order online at hrimaging.com