Wednesday 10/11/23 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Tater Tot Casserole
- The high school musical “Addams Family” will be presented next week, October 19-21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Forman Center. There are a few dinner theater tickets for Saturday’s performance available for purchase at the high school office. Show tickets are purchased at the door on show night, but dinner theater tickets must be purchased this week.
- There will be a meeting at the beginning of 5A for all ancestors from The Addams Family in room 6.
- Students using free day forms – when you take these to your teachers to sign, you MUST have the date you are requesting to use your free day written in. Teachers will not be signing these forms if the requested date is not filled in
- Students interested in a construction pathway field trip, see Mrs. Harbourn for details. This is an excellent trip!!!!!
- Book Club will be reading Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas this month. Copies are available in the library
- Attention Art Club Members. There will be an Art Club Meeting today during 5B. If this is your lunch hour, you can bring your lunch to the art room for the meeting.
- Freshmen and Sophomores: if you come to the library on a pass during study hall, you will no longer be allowed to use your cell phone. It must be put away before coming to the library. If cell phones are out, you will go back to study hall.
- Any student who would like to have a Veteran family member invited to the Veterans Day Breakfast, please fill out the Google Form in your Class's Google Classroom ASAP or get a name and address to Ms. Rousseau. It will be held on Friday, November 10th.
- Picture retakes are tomorrow. You can pick up an order form in the office or order online at
- State of Illinois law mandates every Freshman and new student must have a current health physical by October 15; all Senior students are required to have a meningitis vaccine, by October 15th. Please turn these papers into the Main office, or to Nurse Denise.