Wednesday 12/6/2023 Announcements
Today’s lunch: Spaghetti and garlic bread
- There is a Student Council meeting Thursday during 5A/5B in room 10.
- Students: the comfy chairs in the library will not be available this week due to food being left all over the coffee table yesterday.
- Book Club will meet Thursday during 5A&B to discuss the first Percy Jackson book by Rick Riordan. Any students who have read the book are welcome to bring their lunch to the library for discussion.
- There will be a senior lip sync and hall decs meeting during 5B in the library.
- Spanish Club members! We have an opportunity to help out the people organizing the Snowbuddies gifts. Right after school on Friday, December 15th, we will gather in Ms. Brodbeck’s room and head to the primary school to help them. Then, when we're done (probably about 5pm), we'll head for dinner at Fiesta Ranchera in Pekin!
We'll be taking the activity bus, so this is limited to the first 14 people who return their signed permission slip. Permission slips are available on Ms. Brodbeck’s door.