Wednesday 2/14/2023 Announcements
Today’s lunch: Chicken Alfredo
- It’s almost time for March Madness in the library! Nominate your favorite Disney movies in Google Classroom to help create this year’s bracket. Nominations will end February 21.
- There is a Student Council meeting Thursday during 5A/5B.
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet Friday during 5A/B in the library.
- Do you like to play board games? FCA is hosting Board Game Day this Saturday in the library from 11-3. Bring a snack to share. If you have any questions, see Miss Shaffer.
- Do you know your teachers’ favorite books? Guess in the library this month for candy and one person with the most correct guesses will win a gift card to Roasted! The last day to enter is February 14.
- Look for the kindness calendar posted around the school for ways to show kindness every day in February!