
ANNOUNCEMENTS:                       TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th    

LUNCH TODAY                                        HAM AND CHEESE SLIDERS         

  • Seniors- Cass Communications Scholarship is due February 15th. Check the scholarship presentation and spreadsheet.

  • There is an FFA Chapter meeting on Wednesday from 5:30-7:30

  • Tomorrow’s dress up day is Twins Day! Grab a friend and coordinate your outfits so you have a twin!  

  • Sign up sheets for Baseball, Softball and Track are on the office window

  • Seniors Attention!!! Let your final message from high school be recognized by submitting your Senior quotes to the Seniors google classroom page by March 7th.

  • The Homecoming dance will be Saturday February 8th! The dance will start at 7 pm and end at 10 pm with coronation at 9:00 pm. The price of entry is $5 a person and tickets will be sold at the door.  This is considered a semi-formal dance - no jeans.