Friday 8/19/22 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Grilled BBQ Chicken Sandwich
- Tonight is our Back to School Bash at 5:30! Come play games, have fun, and if you ordered a yearbook last year, you may pick it up then. See you there!
- Parking sticker forms are available on the office ledge. The cost to park in the student lot is $20 per year. Please fill out the form and bring it back to the office with $20
- Picture day for ALL students (including Seniors) and Staff is next Thursday, August 25th. Order forms are available on the office ledge
- Nurse Denise needs these important papers:
All Freshman and new students need a current physical and immunizations.
All Seniors need a Meningitis vaccination, and the paperwork showing the date you received it.
You may turn papers into her office or the main office.