Friday 1/27/23 Announcements
- Today’s Lunch: Turkey Cheese Melt
- Today is the last day of penny wars, so make sure to bring all of the change in by 5B. We will not take any change after 5B, no exceptions!
- Dress up the week of Homecoming to earn points for your class. The dress-up days are as follows.
- Monday- Decade Day: wear an outfit from a different decade, you are not confined to your class decade, you must dress from the 2000s down, anything from 2010 to 2023 will not count
- Tuesday- Adam Sandler Day: wear an outfit that Adam Sandler would wear either on the street or a costume in a movie
- Wednesday- Workout Wednesday- wear workout clothes such as sweatpants, leggings, sweatbands, etc.
- Thursday- Class Color Day- wear your class color
- Remember to keep all outfits within the dress code.
- Volleyball will be starting next week during study hall. This means there will be no study hall, so plan accordingly.
- Out of school guest forms for Homecoming are available on the office ledge. If you are bringing a guest that does not attend MCHS, you will need to have this form completed and turned in to the office no later than today
- The next FFA meeting will be this upcoming Monday, January 30th. So kick off homecoming week with Pickleball, Avantis, and the FFA!
- Spring sports sign-ups are on the office window
- A reminder to students: food and drinks are not allowed in the library. Any students who bring food in during study hall will go back to study hall. Also, if you need a chromebook and Miss Shaffer is not in the library, do not wait for her to come back. You should go to the office to get a chromebook then go back to class. Finally, please pay attention to the library door to see if the library is open or closed.
- Juniors and Seniors- are you interested in Ag? Western is hosting an open house on March 24, 2023 to learn more about WIU and the School of Agriculture. We will be able to tour the farm, visit with faculty, students, and alumni, as well as enter for a chance to win a scholarship. Please see Mrs. Harbourn for sign-ups
- Due to inappropriate behavior, failure to follow directions, and the inability to pick up after themselves, all B lunch students will remain in the cafeteria till it is determined that their behavior is acceptable.